Don't let bad skin win!

Leave your blemished past behind and discover a truly forward thinking approach to skin. Clear Future blemish products were clinically developed as a complete system to clear up blemishes and help prevent new blemishes appearing. With the power of salicylic acid and carefully selected botanicals each product is there to help calm and sooth the skin. Like all skincare ranges you have to be regimented and consistent for them to work. Daily use of this amazing skincare regime will help skin appear more even and toned. With Clear Future your blemishes don't stand a chance.

For spotty and problematic skin, especially the chest and back area that are sore and inflamed. These products can be used safely on these areas also. You can use these products from the age of 12 upwards and they're perfect for post acne scaring also.

Inflammatory problems can be the cause of a lot of skin problems too. Get your gut right. Arbonne nutrition is an important part of skincare too. Inflammation of your skin can be holistically treated, try and find someone who will give you the best advice for you and your gut and skin. Increasing your hydration levels by drinking at least two litres of water per day can really help and these steps help to restore the ph balance of your skin.

The Micro biology of the skin that line the hair folic of your skin is what causes the Build up of sebum that spreads bacteria causing black heads, white heads and severe acne. This normally affects children from age 11 to adult. (the clear future range can be used from age 12)

Unblock your pore with a soothing effect on your skin to reduce redness. It is allergy and dermatology tested.

Clear future = four simple steps.

Step one - Deep pore blemish cleanser - salicylic acid 1% dandelion calming and peppermint is healing and detoxifying to the skin. Liquorice and orange peel extract soothing to skin and cell renewal - non drying to unclog pores. Apply damp skin and massage on worse areas. Removes makeup too. Once or twice daily. You can use this in conjunction with our FC5 daily purifying cleanser. 

Step two - exfoliating blemish pads - salicylic acid 0.5%

Witch hazel extract. Alpha alpha dandelion, liquorice and orange - mulberry hops and sugar cane - humectant drawing ingredients in to the skin . Reducing inflammation and vitamins a and d - apply to face and infected areas. start one application per day - 

Step three - Intensive Blemish Calming Lotion -  oil free lotion - 1% salicylic acid. Alpha alpha dandelion, liquorice and orange - mulberry hops and sugar cane. Vitamins a, d & e. Anti bacteria properties - skin free appearance. Always use with clean hands. (FC5 oil absorbing day cream with SPF15 can be used in conjunction with this product)

Step four - Mattifying Blemish Lotion.  Spot treatment. Salicylic acid 2% - clears existing breakouts. Transparent formula - wolf berry extract is a natural antioxidant that helps reduce scar tissue. Refines texture of skin.

All products can be inter graded with other Arbonne skincare products. Skin conditioning oil -  used at night for layering - skin oil - blemish calming cream and then mask for proper treatment. Deep cleansing mask leave overnight.

Get in touch and find out more about Arbonne's skincare products. Used correctly they can change your skin for the better.

Thank you for reading this and please share if you think it can help anyone you know. 


Lynette xx

Glosscar WINNER_2016

Click this link to take you straight to my online shop to purchase these fabulous products.,8602,1120.aspx

Your Health is Your Wealth

So, if you have been following my blog and my social media posts you will see that from June I have changed my way of living completely. Arbonne has literally changed my life. With running my own business and trying to juggle studio life with my wedding business and home life I had literally let my eating go to pot!!! I was drive through eating my way through life and putting so much weight on and feeling sluggish and had no energy at all. I was basically just a walking big mac if I am honest. My daughter Florence told me I looked like I had a tyre around my waist when I sat down and that was like, oh, okay, even my daughter is noticing. This is not good. The reason for my living is my family. I needed to sort my life out and fast. Sounds dramatic I know but I just knew in my own health I was not in a good place. I believe in the universe and God putting people in your life when you need them. This is when Nicola O'neill was put in my life in June to save me from myself. I challenged myself to do the 30 days to healthy living programme with Arbonne and when I started out on my healthy eating plan I weighed 9stone 13 and 3/4 lbs. Today Sunday 17th June I weigh 8stone 13 and 3/4 lbs. I have lost a whole stone in three months. The nutrition pack from Arbonne is vegan and gluten free so it doesn't annoy my bowel and make me bloated. After investing in the 30day plan, I now order the shakes meal replacement and green balance and for breakfast I have a shake. I eat healthy and still allow myself wee treats but my energy levels are through the roof and I am really happy with how my body is shaping up. 

I have just started yoga and will introduce running and cycling into my plan in time. I am going to post a photo of my before and after pictures. Just so you can see exactly what it has done for me. I am super proud of myself and even though at the start is was hard, now it is just part of my routine. You can change your life. One meal replacement shake at a time! 

Thank you for reading. If you need to know more, just give me a shout. 

Love always and always love

Lynette xx

The images on the left are from June and the images on the right are from yesterday. I cannot wait to see the results after I start to work out too. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. I am here to help you if you need it. All you need to do is ask.

Love Life xx

What you put in your body counts!

Hello and thank you for taking the time to come and read about my Arbonne website. Well, what can I say? I have been loving my new studio and using all my vegan and vegan friendly products. The reason I got in to this all started when my mum was diagnosed with her bowel cancer and I started to research products and their properties. Sulphates and paraben's are not good for your body and your bowel cannot break them down! I am gluten intolerant also so this really was a no brainer for me. Yes, they are slightly more expensive than some brands but I would rather invest in better products that I can not only use on myself but I can use on my clients too. The products are all sulphate, paraben free and cruelty free too. The more I think about it the more I understand why I have chosen to have my studio as my wee haven. I wouldn't want anyone to test products on my daughter or my wee cat Lola so why would I think it was okay for other poor defenceless animals to be tested on just so I can buy a cheaper product!? I just can't do it! It is totally a personal journey I am on and I know it is not for everyone. After months of using the Davines, Leon Gorman Haircare and Maria Nila products I could really see the difference in my clients hair. I wanted to get into skin care and makeup too but didn't really know how. Well, this is when the universe sent me the lovely makeup artist Nicola O'Neill. She contacted me through my facebook page about the Arbonne range. She had thought it would be a great mix with what I was already doing in my studio and boy was she right. Not only has the skincare changed my face and made me feel amazing, the makeup is fabulous too. I invested in both packages and couldn't be happier with my decision. I became a consultant and this gave me discounts to buy further into the brand and I now have a preferred client list. I would love to have more consultants come onto my team aswell. Not only are you using amazing products that are great for you, make you look and feel younger and amazing but it gives you the opportunity to build your own wee business, if you wish to do that. If you would like to become a preferred client and get discounts on your products rather than become an consultant you can do that also. Just send me a wee message. I promise you guys will not be disappointed. I just want everyone to be using these amazing products and seeing the difference it makes to your skin and health. I want to get people thinking about what you put on your skin and how it can effect your health. We only get one go at this life and we should grab it with both hands. Love yourself and love your body. Sick of feeling sluggish and tired? Arbonne have an amazing healthy nutrition plan too. All vegan and gluten free, so nothing to annoy or upset your bowel or stomach! I started it and haven't looked back! I have been keeping a record to see how I get on. Very excited for this next chapter in my life. Thank you for reading this if you took the time.

Lots of Love, Lynette xx

Arbonne combines superior, botanically based products with a generous compensation plan,

exceptional support, training and committed leadership to create the perfect window of 

opportunity for you. 



With Arbonne, life is full of awesome opportunity — to earn a living, enjoy a flexible schedule, 

to transform your life and the lives of others. Imagine the possibilities! Discover how fulfilling 

life can be as an Arbonne Independent Consultant. 

Contact me to learn more.

About Arbonne

Born in Switzerland and raised in sunny California, for almost 35 years Arbonne has transformed lives through premium products, unparalleled leadership and a family-like community. Through our passionate Independent Consultants, with our prestige brand and generous compensation plan, people all over the world are making a difference in their own lives and in the lives of others.

arbonne quote.jpg

The ultimate shampoo guide - thanks to

Well as you all know by now, I only use products in my studio that are safe for you. One of those companies is Davines. I love their ethos and all their products are so good for your hair and make your hair feel and look amazing. This being said, I was absolutely delighted to come across this website from America who have chosen the OI shampoo as their favourite shampoo for normal to dry hair, whoo hoo!! This company truly has a passion for discovering the best! Not only did their research team go through 262 different formulas to find which shampoos were the safest, most effective and work for a variety of different hair types but they consulted with chemists, dermatologists, hairstylists who omitted any brand with harsh ingredients. After completing their intensive research programme they came up with an amazing guide to the top shampoos. Not only did they put OI shampoo number 1 for normal to dry hair but they have provided you with a great breakdown of shampoos for all budgets. Please go have a nosey at their website. I have added the link to the bottom of this blogpost. It is an interesting read and full of great content.

Bye for now. Lynette xx

my arbonne life <3

Hey all. Well, what can I say? I have been loving my new studio and using all my vegan and vegan friendly products. The reason I got in to my Davines and Maria Nila Products all started when my mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer and I started to research products and their properties. Sulphates and paraben's are not good for your body and your bowel cannot break them down! I have IBS and am gluten free also so this really was a no brainer for me. Yes, they are slightly more expensive than some brands but I would rather invest in better products that I can not only use on myself but I can use on my clients too. The products are all sulphate, paraben free and cruelty free too. The more I think about it the more I understand why I have chosen to have my studio as my wee haven. I wouldn't want anyone to test products on my daughter or my wee cat Lola so why would I think it was okay for other poor defenceless animals to be tested on just so I can buy a cheaper product!? I just can't do it!  It is totally a personal journey I am on and I know it is not for everyone. After months of using the Davines and Maria Nila products I could really see the difference in my clients hair. I wanted to get into skin care and makeup too but didn't really know how. Well, this is when the universe sent me the lovely makeup artist Nicola O'Neill. She contacted me through my facebook page about the Arbonne range. She had thought it would be a great mix with what I was already doing in my studio and boy was she right. Not only has the skincare changed my face and made me feel amazing, the makeup is fabulous too. I invested in both packages and couldn't be happier with my decision. I became a consultant and this gave me discounts to buy further into the brand and I have now have a preferred client list. I would love to have more consultants come onto my team and start making money too. Not only are you using amazing products that are great for you, make you look and feel younger and amazing but it gives you the opportunity to build your own wee business. If you would like be become a preferred client and get discounts on your products rather than become an consultant you can do that too. Just send me a wee message. I will be holding an introduction to Arbonne on Tuesday 8th August from my studio. My sponsor and makeup artist Nicola O'Neill will be hosting it to introduce me to the company. Limited spaces available so if you would like to take part in my evening and learn more, please get in touch. I promise you guys will not be disappointed. Start thinking about what you put on your skin and how it can effect your health. We only get one go at this life and we should grab it with both hands. Love yourself and love your body. Sick of feeling sluggish and tired? Arbonne have an amazing healthy eating plan too. All vegan and gluten free, so nothing to annoy or upset your bowel or stomach! I am starting it tomorrow so will be keeping a record to see how I get on. Very excited for this next chapter in my life. Thank you for reading this if you took the time.

Lots of Love, Lynette xx